Curriculum - St Mary's and St John's CE School



‘...with God, all things are possible.’ (Matthew 19:26)

With Christ every day, every task, every situation, every relationship brims with divine possibility.  God is always at work in our lives.

Our vision is drawn from Matthew’s gospel in which Jesus is talking to his disciples about what they must do if they hope to inherit eternal life.  Jesus’s wisdom guides us to acknowledge that wealth is not material but that true wealth is gained from working collaboratively for the common good.  Here, Jesus speaks about the value of serving others in order to store up treasure in heaven.  Our students will be equipped with the hope, ambition, qualifications and values necessary to meet the challenges of an ever-changing world, knowing that God is always at work in our lives.

We will realise our vision by ensuring our children are at the centre of everything we do, relentlessly focusing on the development of highly literate, articulate, resilient and confident individuals.  


Our curriculum vision: 

To enhance the future life-chances and opportunities of our learners, irrespective of their starting point, by providing an influential education and delivering a powerful curriculum capable of creating young people who can contribute positively to the economic, cultural and social flourishing of their communities. Students will be exposed to a curriculum that is dynamic, ambitious, mindful of spiritual and ethical development and reflects the context and needs of the students it is delivered to.  

We strive to ensure our curriculum offer is powerful insofar as our curriculum: 

  • equips students to engage in intellectual dialogue and debate; to become articulate individuals able to converse effectively in different contexts.  

  • is tailored to our context and bespoke to our students’ skills, abilities, strengths and weaknesses. In addition, we seek to meet the demands of living and thriving in the 21st century. 

  • is intentionally and carefully planned to cover core concepts which are vital building blocks necessary for the journey of study and learning that for everyone, irrespective of career, is lifelong. 

  • educates the whole person including their moral and spiritual needs and takes seriously the need for character refinement and development. 

  • is future oriented. Our curriculum has an eye on the big picture; the needs of 21st century communities including the demands of today’s workplaces and the careers of the future. 

  • is dynamic. It is always changing, being improved and refined by drawing on new resources and subject expertise. 


Spiritual, moral, social and cultural education is embedded within our curriculum and is explored thoroughly through our focus on our vision and values.  Our Christian vision and values, with an emphasis on Wisdom, Service and Hope, are embedded in our curriculum and are explored daily through Pause for Thought, our Collective Worship programme, Religious Studies & PSHCEE.  The impact of this is a school that is deeply Christian and inclusive. We pride ourselves on developing students who are compassionate, community focused and prepared to serve their community now and in the future. 


We have an extensive super-curricular offer across the school, including Fresh Arts, Gardening Club, Duke of Edinburgh, Young Enterprise, Peripatetic music lessons, Jack Petchey speak out challenge, UKMT challenge, Dance, Orchestra, music groups, sporting clubs and teams, large whole school drama productions and visits within and outside of the school day.   

The super-curricular offer is regularly evaluated in order to ensure that it meets the needs of our learners’ and to increase participation. 


Central to our endeavour to ensure that all our students reach their God given potential is a commitment to experiences, both in school and out of school, to broaden students’ horizons.  For example, in order to promote a greater understanding of what it means to be a global citizen, we have developed partnerships with schools abroad and regularly host overseas visiting students.  We encourage students to consider others by engaging with charities and exploring the causes of injustice in our world. We empower our students’ to lead on initiatives to support charities and to serve others by giving time, resources or money. 

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