Mental Health & Wellbeing - St Mary's and St John's CE School

Mental Health & Wellbeing

Mental Health and Well-being Policy

SMSJ Bereavement Policy

At SMSJ we nurture a caring and supportive environment. This is because at the core of our Christian vision is the belief that every human person is made in God's image and therefore affording every individual dignity, respect and value is fundamental to us.

We are motivated to enable the young people in our care to have and maintain good mental health, as this is essential if they are to fulfil their God given potential. We recognise that positive mental health is the foundation required if individuals are going to be able to benefit fully from all of the opportunities available to them.

We aim to promote awareness of mental health and emotional wellbeing for our staff, parents and pupils. Wellbeing is at the forefront of the school’s curriculum and promoting good mental health is a priority.

Our PSHCEE and Physical Education curriculums cover some aspects of Mental Health and Emotional Wellbeing, these lessons are tailored for different age groups. PAM times and Collective Worships are used to inform students about specific topics and areas of wellbeing, for example: managing exam stress and coping with worry. Our staff attend training sessions on relevant mental health issues that might be emerging in the school, learning skills and strategies to assist our students.

At SMSJ, there are many trusted adults who students can talk to if they are struggling with their mental health and wellbeing, or simply need advice.

Students are encouraged to speak with their class teacher, PAM or Head of Year in the first instance.

If students don’t feel able to talk to someone directly, they can use the wellbeing button on ClassCharts to signal to a member of staff that they are having difficulties. lf the reason for their unhappiness is linked to bullying, they can click the ‘Report Bullying’ button on the school website and fill in a short form to alert one of our Safeguarding Officers:


We recognise the importance of keeping children and young people safe from sexual exploitation and abuse. Students or parents/carers can click the CEOP button on the school website if they are concerned about any issue relating to this. This website will send a report to one of CEOP’s Child Protection Advisors:


If the student requires a higher level of support, they might be signposted to our Senior Learning Mentor, Mrs. A. Castagno (MA MBACP), who will provide 1:1 counselling sessions or small group intervention.

Students may also be referred to our HEWS therapist, (Health and Emotional Wellbeing Service). If further support is needed, we might refer students to outside agencies e.g., BICS (Barnet Integrated Clinical Services), CAMHS (Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service) or Grief Encounter.

Referrals to CAMHS can be made by the school or via the family G.P.

Referrals to BICS or Grief Encounter can also be made through school or by parents/carers online.

Below are some links to the websites of some of the agencies we work with:

CAMHS - Worried about your child

Family Friendly Barnet - About Young people's mental health

Grief Encounter

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